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  • Cancel the Cakes & Ballons?

    Absolutely not. Who doesn't love cakes and balloons? Recently I was asked to participate in a panel on internal communications during moments of transformation and change. A point of view was shared that said, cakes and balloons won't change culture. The point addressed that it was the little moments that happen between leaders and people, the small communications that occur to educate, inspire and inform, that matter. I agree, those moments matter. What I don't agree with is that cakes and balloons don't play an important role in employee experience. Now, it's not specifically 'cakes and balloons' that is being discussed. It's the idea of parties, essentially, that won't change culture. One could even say, happy hours. If all you do is throw a party, or throw a happy hour, and expect a change, then there's some truth in the point that was raised. However, if that's all you're doing, then there's a bigger issue. When you create a plan, which includes 'cakes and balloons,' you need to have clarity around what the vision for including them is, and recognize the power of their influence. Taking time to do this helps you to understand how the experience you create with 'cakes and balloons' can actually shift perspective to shape perception, and show how this can be an important part of the change you're seeking. It provides you with the clarity that this moment of intended joy and celebration will likely uncover useable images, unique stories, and provide you a runway for follow up from it. Setting intentions to make the 'cake and balloons' moment help people feel differently and last longer than whatever the event time is, is a huge benefit to championing those little moments that keep people moving in the right direction towards the change in culture you're hoping to achieve. If you're currently working on a change initiative, or if you're feeling stumped by how to leverage the 'cakes and balloons,' reach out to me and let's chat!

  • Struggling with innovation? Here's a free untapped resource in your teams you need to tap.

    Companies struggle with imagination and creativity more than we realize. When they do, it can limit their ability to innovate and compete in today's fast-paced business environment. Here are a few examples form various survey's and reports that help paint the picture: A 2019 survey by Accenture found that while 96% of executives believe that innovation is important to their organization's success, only 34% feel that they are effective at driving innovation. A 2017 study by Deloitte found that only 21% of executives feel that they are very effective at developing leaders who can drive innovation and growth. A 2019 survey by Harvard Business Review found that while 80% of respondents believe that creativity is important for business success, only 24% feel that their organization is doing enough to encourage creativity. According to a 2017 report by McKinsey & Company, only 6% of executives feel that their organizations are effective at innovating and delivering value. If you're a company that feels like this snapshot includes you, it's time to unleash untapped imagination and help ignite MOJO in your teams. I'd love to help you do it! If you're interested in exploring ways we can do this together, reach out to me at

  • Leading with Consistency to Build Trust

    Do you ever feel like you're constantly putting out fires and struggling to keep up with everything as a leader? It's not uncommon for leaders to feel overwhelmed, but building trust and credibility with your team requires consistency. Here are four tips to help you lead with consistency: Communicate clearly and often: Regular and transparent communication is key to building trust with your team. Make sure your team knows what's expected of them, and provide feedback on their progress. Be reliable and accountable: If you say you're going to do something, make sure you follow through. If you can't, acknowledge it and let your team know what's happening. Set clear expectations: Make sure your team knows what success looks like and what they need to do to achieve it. This helps everyone stay on the same page and working towards the same goals. Lead by example: Your team looks to you for guidance and direction, so make sure you're modeling the behavior you want to see. If you want your team to be reliable and accountable, you need to be as well. Consistency builds trust and credibility, which are essential for effective leadership. When you do it well, you can create a culture of reliability and trust within your team.

  • The secret about the Yahoo yodel used inside the company

    Yahoooooooooooooo! When I worked at Yahoo, my team oversaw internal marketing. One of the areas we led was our weekly global all hands meeting. As we were going through a challenging transition of the company, when ultimately Verizon bought Yahoo, I wanted to help boost company MOJO. So with the blessing of our CEO, we built a large Yahoo yodel button that when someone shared a win on stage during the meeting, anyone could run up and push it to signal the yahoooooooo. Why? To create an employee experience that would support morale and retention during the transformation. And, because I wanted to remind people of the day they received their welcome packet for their new job at Yahoo. In it was a desk-sized yodel button. It was so exciting to receive it and I remember the joy it brought. So I figured a larger than life sized version might do something similar. It was hit! The button was pushed often and every time someone did, the crowd cheered! So what's the secret? On the final global all hands meeting, I shared with the company that the yodel inside the button wasn't the same one being used externally. Our CEO said she wanted something different. Something that had more grit to it. And since we knew the cost it took to get the external one made, I didn't want to loose this great idea over needing that kind of a budget again. So I went home and while seated in the bathroom with a towel over my head and my computer in recording mode, I began to yodel. Over and over again I yodeled. I yodeled till I had a few good takes. Which, as you can guess, one of them was chosen as the new yodel to be used inside the company. Every Friday, when that button was pushed, it was my voice that came out of it! And I will forever be the voice of the yodel from the big Yahoo button used inside the company.

  • How your MOJO can help you achieve your dreams

    Achieving your dreams can often feel like an insurmountable task, but with the help of your MOJO, it's possible to overcome obstacles and turn those dreams into reality. MOJO is that special spark that gives you the energy and motivation to pursue your goals and persist in the face of challenges. When your MOJO is ignited, you're able to tap into your creativity and imagination, which allows you to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems. This is crucial when it comes to pursuing your dreams, as it often requires taking risks and trying new things that others may not have considered. Igniting your MOJO also helps you stay focused and committed to your goals, even when progress is slow or setbacks occur. It gives you the resilience and determination to keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles you may encounter. Your MOJO can help you build confidence in yourself and your abilities. When you're operating at your best, you feel empowered and capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. This confidence is crucial when it comes to pursuing your dreams, as it allows you to believe in yourself and your vision, even when others doubt you. Overall, your MOJO is a powerful force that can help you achieve your dreams by giving you the energy, creativity, focus, and confidence needed to turn your aspirations into reality. If you want to ignite your MOJO, and let it guide you towards your ultimate goals and aspirations, I can help. With the right mindset and the help of your MOJO, anything is possible. Reach out to me at to learn more.

  • Employee Engagement Requires MOJO

    MOJO can help with employee engagement in several ways: Increased motivation: When employees have their MOJO, they are more motivated and energized, which can lead to increased engagement in their work. Positive attitude: A strong MOJO can help employees maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of challenges, which can lead to better engagement with their work and colleagues. Improved creativity: MOJO can inspire employees to think more creatively and outside of the box, which can lead to improved engagement in their work and new ideas for the organization. Greater sense of purpose: A strong MOJO can help employees feel more connected to their work and the organization's mission, which can lead to a greater sense of purpose and engagement. Improved communication: When employees have their MOJO, they are more likely to communicate effectively with their colleagues, which can lead to better engagement and collaboration within teams. Overall, having a strong mojo can help employees feel more engaged, motivated, and connected to their work and colleagues, which can lead to better productivity and overall success for the organization. If you're interested in learning how I can help, reach out to me at

  • What a lack of MOJO might be doing to you

    When people are lacking MOJO, they may experience a range of problems that can affect their performance, motivation, and overall wellbeing. Here are some common problems that can arise when mojo is lacking: Lack of motivation: When MOJO is lacking, individuals or teams may struggle to feel motivated to work towards their goals. They may feel apathetic or disinterested in their work, and may have difficulty finding the energy or enthusiasm to perform at their best. Decreased productivity: Without MOJO, individuals or teams may experience a decrease in productivity and efficiency. They may struggle to focus or stay on task, and may take longer to complete projects or tasks than usual. Low morale: Lacking MOJO can also lead to low morale and a negative attitude towards work. Individuals or teams may feel frustrated, stressed, or overwhelmed, and may struggle to maintain a positive mindset. Burnout: Over time, lacking MOJO can lead to burnout, which is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. Burnout can have serious consequences for individuals or teams, including decreased job satisfaction, poor performance, and even physical and mental health problems. Overall, lacking MOJO can have a range of negative consequences for individuals or teams, affecting their motivation, productivity, and overall wellbeing. It is important to address these issues and work towards boosting MOJO in order to overcome these challenges and achieve success. If you're interested learning more on how I can help, reach out to me at

  • Don't have a dream? Here's how your MOJO can help you discover it

    Are you lacking a dream? When someone asks you what your dreams are, can you answer? If not, your MOJO can help! Your MOJO is closely linked to your passions, strengths, a sense of purpose and your vision. When you are in touch with your MOJO, you have a strong sense of self and feel empowered to pursue your dreams. Here are some ways in which your MOJO can help you discover your dreams: Helps you identify your strengths and passions: When you ignite your MOJO, you gain a better understanding of what makes you unique and what you enjoy doing. This can help you identify your strengths and passions, which can in turn guide you towards your dream career or goal. Boosts your confidence: MOJO gives you a sense of confidence and self-assurance, which can be a powerful motivator in pursuing your dreams. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you are more likely to take risks and step out of your comfort zone to pursue your goals. Sparks creativity and imagination: MOJO can help you tap into your creative side and imagine what's possible. When you allow yourself to dream big and think outside the box, you may discover new and exciting paths to achieving your dreams. Helps you stay focused: When you're feeling uninspired or unmotivated, it can be easy to lose sight of your dreams. However, when you ignite your MOJO, you have a clear sense of direction and purpose, which can help you stay focused on your goals. Overall, your MOJO can be a powerful tool in helping you discover and achieve your dreams. By tapping into your passions, strengths, and creativity, you can unlock your full potential and pursue the life you truly desire. If you're interested in learning more on how to ignite your MOJO, reach out to me at

  • Growing confidence often comes from courage, but through confidence, courage can grow.

    What comes first, confidence or courage? Let’s break them down to understand each better. Confidence is more focused on belief, and requires one to believe in their abilities and decisions, while courage is more focused on action. When you have a healthy self-esteem (and aren’t operating from the ego) confidence can help you handle setbacks or criticism with grace and continue to believe in yourself and your abilities. But it’s through courage where you find the will to take risks and face challenges (often your fears) even when you are uncertain of the outcome. In many situations, taking the first step towards building confidence requires courage, whether it's speaking up in a meeting, trying something new, or facing a fear. However, as confidence grows, it can in turn provide a boost of courage and help you face even bigger challenges. So, the question remains, which is more important? Confidence or courage? The answer for me is neither. They both are important in reaching our potential. Knowing how to tap into them to support the growth of the other is most important.

  • Want your company to thrive and succeed? Try tapping into your employee's imagination...

    Statistics show that imagination and creativity are critical for companies to thrive and succeed in today's business environment. How are you tapping into each employee's imagination in your organization to ignite your company's MOJO? Companies that prioritize and cultivate a culture of innovation and creativity through imagination are more likely to experience growth and financial success. Here are few examples: According to a 2019 report by the World Economic Forum, creativity will be one of the top three skills required for employees to thrive in the fourth industrial revolution. A 2019 study by McKinsey & Company found that companies with a strong culture of innovation and creativity have 1.5 times higher revenue growth and are 1.7 times more likely to be among the top quartile of industry peers in terms of financial performance. A 2018 survey by PwC found that 80% of CEOs believe that innovation and creativity are the most important skills for their employees to possess. A 2017 study by Adobe found that companies that foster creativity and innovation are 3.5 times more likely to outperform their peers in revenue growth. If you're a leader that is looking to enhance your overall culture, one of the first places to consider improvement is with imagination. When you do, you can ignite your employee's MOJO to drive greater success. If I can be helpful in discovering the opportunities you might be able to unleash, reach out to me at

  • How Imagination Helps Boost Your Team's MOJO

    Imagination can be a powerful driver of MOJO for teams, as it enables them to tap into their creativity and generate new ideas and solutions. Here are some examples of how imagination can be driver of MOJO: Brainstorming sessions: When working on a project or problem, holding brainstorming sessions can help to generate new ideas and perspectives. By encouraging team members to use their imagination and come up with innovative solutions, MOJO can be boosted as individuals feel motivated and excited about the possibilities. Visualization exercises: Visualization exercises can be a powerful way to tap into the imagination and cultivate a positive mindset. For example, teams can visualize themselves achieving their goals, and imagine the feeling of success and accomplishment. This can help to generate a sense of motivation and energy, and can help to maintain focus and direction. Creative projects: Engaging in creative projects, such as designing a new logo or creating a marketing campaign, can be a great way to tap into the imagination and boost MOJO. By giving individuals the freedom to explore and experiment with different ideas and approaches, they can feel a sense of ownership and excitement about the project. Playful activities: Incorporating playful activities into the workday, such as team-building games or art projects, can be a great way to boost imagination and MOJO. By encouraging team members to let loose and have fun, they can tap into their creativity and generate new ideas and perspectives. Overall, imagination can be a powerful driver of MOJO for teams, as it enables them to tap into their creativity and generate new ideas and solutions. By incorporating imaginative activities and exercises into the workday, teams can stay motivated and energized, and can achieve their goals with enthusiasm and passion. If you're interested learning more on how I can help, reach out to me at

  • 4 Tips on How Leaders Can Boost MOJO During Layoff Transitions

    Large layoffs are continuing to show up daily, unfortunately. Having been through them as a leader on a global marketing team, numerous times, I know many of the emotions that are faced during these often discouraging transitions. We focus on those that have lost their jobs first, because we care about the wellbeing of our peers. But, the team members that remain find struggle too. And sometimes, we as leaders need to remind ourselves to focus more attention on them. And for leaders who's companies aren't having layoffs, your teams need support too. Here are 4 tips on how you can boost morale and MOJO during these difficult times to help your team stay motivated and inspired: Communicate with empathy Layoffs can create a sense of uncertainty and anxiety among employees. As a leader, it's important to communicate with empathy and understanding. Let your team know that you understand how they are feeling and that you are there to support them. Recognize and appreciate contributions Layoffs can make employees feel like their peer's work was not valued or appreciated. Take the time to recognize and appreciate the contributions of each team member. Find examples to show how their work mattered, how they made a difference, and how it's important for the team to continue to support those contributions. Provide support and resources Layoffs can leave employees feeling lost and uncertain about their future. Learning & development is critical during these times, to continue to invest in the team and help them think bigger and with more possibility. Focus on the future It's important to focus on keep moving forward. Help your team members focus on goals and aspirations and be available to support their growth planning. By taking these steps, you can help your team stay motivated and inspired during these challenging times, and help them boost their MOJO as they keep build their careers. If you want to chat more about ways to boost MOJO on your teams, send me an email at

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